Effect of disturbed irrigation regime on the yield of Sudan grass, grown for the Southern Bulgaria environmental conditions
Rumen Bazitov

Резюме: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of disturbed irrigation regime on dry biomass yield of Sudan grass. In the period 2021 - 2023 for the region of Stara Zagora on meadow - cinnamon soil was conducted an experiment with Sudan grass variety Endje - 1, grown after the precursor barley. The following variants were studied in the field trial 1 No irrigation (control), var. 2 Optimal irrigation 75-80% of FC (100% irrigation rate), var. 3 Irrigation with 70% of calculated irrigation rate, 4 Irrigation with 40% of calculated irrigation rate. It was found that the highest average yield of 13940 kg/ha dry biomass was obtained with the optimally irrigated variety, which was 36.5% higher than the yield of the non-irrigated variety. When the irrigation rate is reduced by 30% compared to the optimal option 1 (100%), the dry biomass yield decreases by 8.5%.
Ключови думи: irrigation regime; Sudan grass; yield
Цитиране: Bazitov, R. (2024). Effect of disturbed irrigation regime on the yield of Sudan grass, grown for the Southern Bulgaria environmental conditions. Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science Agrochemisty and Ecology, 58(3), 36-42.
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| Дата на публикуване: 2024-09-30
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