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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Farming systems and nutrient integration effect on soil nutrient dynamics and yield of maize
Wasiu Babatunde Bello, Christopher Olu Adejuyigb, Joseph Aremu Adigun, Noah Olugbemiga Olla
Резюме: Experiments were conducted to examine soil nutrient dynamics under different farming systems and nutrient sources on maize yield. It was a split plot fitted into RCBD with three replicates. Main plots included two cropping systems (CS) (maize and groundnut fallow): sub-plots; groundnut residue (GNR), maize residue (MZR), Cow dung (CD), pig manure (PGM); four composts; (PGM+MZR, PGM+GNR, CD+GNR and CD+MZR) each at 5 t/ha; NPK at 120 kg/ha, and (Co) control. Nutrient content of the soil were measured under groundnut fallow (GF) and continuous maize cropping system (CMCS), nutrient sources and yield at harvest. Data collected were subjected to analysis of variance and means separated by Duncan Multiple Range Test at 5% probability level. The CS impacted nutrient dynamics, with increased of 31.25% N, 8.25% P and 35.45% K from GF with reduction of 33.33% N and 19.35% K but increase of 3.98% P in CMCS. Composted waste (GFCW) gave an efficient and better performance relative to CMCS. The use of PGM+GR improved grain yield (5.6 t/ha) than others and better than Cos (GC0 and MC0) by 149.6% and 171.9% in 20. The residual implies GPGM +GR had the highest N% (0.84%) in soil which was 381.8% and 466.7% higher than the Cos. GF improved soil chemical properties than CMCS and enhanced yield response of maize to organic amendments. The residual implied GPGM+GR had the highest N% (0.84%) in soil with 381.8% and 466.7% higher than the Cos. Hence, GPGM+GR is recommended for maize production.
Ключови думи: Farming system; lntegrated nutrient management; Maize yield; Soil nutrient dynamics
Дата на публикуване: 2023-09-28
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