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Development of software for potential land evaluation and classification by suitability for land use of agricultural lands in Bulgaria
Ivelina Radovanova
Резюме: In a Microsoft Excel (MS Office 2019) environment is a software product developed by me - “Software has been developed for the potential Land Evaluation and classification of agricultural lands in Bulgaria by suitability for land use”. In essence, the product represents a kind of upgrade of the "Methodology for work on the cadaster of agricultural lands in Bulgaria" adopted in our country (Petrov et al., 1988). Following the parametric approach, individual evaluation of land characteristics that are not subject to anthropogenic intervention are preserved. Newly developed algorithms (Radovanova, 2020, 2021 dissertation.) were used for the characteristics that a person can influence (thickness of the humus horizon, soil reaction, humus content, groundwater table, degrees of swamping, degree of stoniness, degrees of salinity and/or alkalinity), The software fully utilizes Microsoft Excel's built-in functions. The scheme of the existing final categorization by suitability for land use of the evaluated lands is preserved, but it is now considered in a "potential" aspect. It is planned to work in dialogue mode and print an official document for the performed potential assessment.
Ключови думи: agricultural lands; potential agricultural land evaluation; potential land evaluation and categorization; software
Дата на публикуване: 2023-06-12
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