[session_started] => 1739030428
Dynamics of the Main Elements of the Energy Balance in Cotton Field on Haplic Vertisols
M. Nenov
Резюме: The most dynamic elements of the energy balance of soil – vegetation – ground atmosphere system in the field are evapotranspiration, moisture and thermal regimes. They change both in time and in space and for their evaluation are necessary express and prolonged, geographically distributed electronic measurements with mobile measuring complexes. The structure of these complexes allows for the processing of measured data and communication via local networks and the Internet to send information to Remote Sensing Application Center – ReSAC. There are obtained through GIS humidity and heat maps of soils and vegetation cover in agricultural areas and risk analysis in agricultural production.
Ключови думи: cotton field; energy balance; Haplic Vertisols
Дата на публикуване: 2016-12-05
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