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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Assessment of the effect of deforestation on the economic activities of rural dwellers of the Western Region of Kogi State, Nigeria
Ajibola Joseph Ogunsola, Femi Awe, Olayinka Victoria Arowolo, Ruth Ibukun Kolade
Резюме: The study examined the effects of deforestation on the economic activities of Okun-Yoruba people in the western region of Kogi State, Nigeria. Two hundred copies of questionnaire were randomly administered on respondents that were randomly selected from a total of 20 communities, from three of the five local Government Areas (LGAs) that make up the region. Ten respondents were randomly selected from each of the twenty communities. Both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used in the study. People in the study area perceived that deforestation has caused significant loss in soil fertility, water scarcity and non availability of wild fruits and vegetables. The study also showed that there was a significant relationship between age, education level, marital status, religion and their perception of the influence of deforestation on their economic activities. Only their gender was not significant. Hence the null hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between people’s perception on deforestation and their socioeconomic characteristics holds for gender and is rejected for age, marital status, education and religion.
Ключови думи: chi-square; deforestation; forests; Kogi; perception
Дата на публикуване: 2020-08-03
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