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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Optimization of Agrotechnical Units in Technologies for Grain Production in the Sofia Area
Martin Nenov, Ivan Dimitrov, Vanya Lozanova, Iliana Gerasimova, Nikolay Traikov
Резюме: In order to achieve sustainable agricultural production, agro-technical activities, as major units of production technologies, play an essential role.
The purpose of the study is to survey and offer systems of agro-technical measures for the soil and climatic conditions in Sofia area.
In order to accomplish this goal in the period 2014 – 2016, two field experiments, based on the block method, were carried out in the trial bases of Bozhurishte (Haplic Vertisols) and Gorni Lozen (Gleyic-Chromic Luvisols).
The study found that fertilization was the most significant influence on the yields of maize and wheat during the three years of the experiment, with data ranging from 73,47% to 96,83%. The applied tillage systems had a statistically significant effect on the maize yields for the two bases only in the first year of the experiment (1,49% for Gorni Lozen and 2,97% for Bozhurishte) and the wheat production at Bozhurishte. For them, higher yields are observed in the system with more intensive processing. At the end of the crop rotation, there was a decrease in the content of digestible forms of potassium in Gleyic-Chromic Luvisols, as well as an increase in pH, from 4,7 – 4,9 values to 5,0 – 5,5.
Deeper soil tillage contributes to maintaining the values of the physical parameters (humidity, bulk density and penetration resistance) in a more favorable range.
Ключови думи: fertilization; maize; tillage systems; wheat; yields
Дата на публикуване: 2020-09-04
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