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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Change on morphometry of lodicules, grains and spikes of barley landraces (Hordeum vulgare L.) under soil and climate conditions of three agroclimatic environments
Hafida Rahal-Bouziane, Fatiha Bradai, Abed Chedjerat, Farida Alane, Samira Merdas, Saliha Berkani, Imene Aggoun, Sabrina Oumata
Резюме: Barley is a strategic crop worldwide predominantly cleistogamous. This automatic self-pollination favorable among others for spike resistance to Fusarium and to Ustillago nuda is essentially assured by lodicules in grain. The study of the impact of environment conditions on the expression of lodicule traits beside other grain and spike parameters and their relationships can be useful for breeding programs. The principal aim of this study was to test four barley cultivars under three different agroclimatic conditions using some traits related to lodicules, grains and spikes.
Except for thousand grain weight for which interaction genotype x environment was no significant, for the other traits namely spike length, grains per spike, awn length, grain length, grain width and in lodicules (length and width of principal lobe, length of higher hair of principal lobe and length of lateral lobe), interaction between the genotype x environment was significantly very high, significantly high or at least significant. The morphometric traits explaining the greatest variation among genotypes through the locations were: thousand grain weight, spike length, grain width, width of principal lobe and length of lateral lobe in lodicules. The pedoclimatic parameters influencing the variation among genotypes were in descending level of importance: soil pH followed by average temperature, rainfall and by the soil electrical conductivity.
Some interesting correlations among others were found. It was the case for the width of principal lobe of lodicules which was negatively correlated with the thousand grain weight and with the spike length. These later were positively and strongly correlated between them and were correlated positively with grain width. The number of grains per spike was positively correlated with rainfall. Heading date was positively very highly correlated with the soil pH and strongly but it was negatively correlated with temperature and negatively significantly with rainfall. Also pH of soil and grain ash content correlated negatively with rainfall.
Ключови думи: Barley; Grains; Localities; Lodicules; Morphometry; Spikes; Variation
Дата на публикуване: 2020-06-05
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