[session_started] => 1739033653
Growth indicators and yield of potatoes - medium early growth production
Ivanka Mitova, Nikolay Dinev, Ana Katsarova
Резюме: Under vegetables’ crop rotation is set up an experiment with potatoes – medium - early growth production, after precursor of beans. The soil is Alluvial-Meadow soil (Fluvisol) with low residual content of mineral nitrogen, low to suppressingly high content of mobile phosphorus and medium reserve with mobile potassium.
The aim of the study is to determine the effect of applied organic (compost), mineral and organo-mineral fertilization in combination with foliar nutrition organic and mineral fertilizers, on growth indicators and yield of potatoes.
Studies have shown that plants with mineral fertilization and leaf nutrition form taller plants, with more branches, number and mass of leaves, stem and root masses, compared to potatoes with organic and organic-mineral fertilization and nutrition. A significant relationship was found between leaf masses and potato tubers (R2 = 0.627). The yield of potatoes is between 148 и 32.9 t.ha-1, with an average yield of 25.7 t.ha-1 for the experimental variants. The average yield of fertilized variants is 29.4 t.ha-1 or 1.98 times higher than the control variant, which is indicative of the effect of the applied fertilizer. The highest yield was reported from the mixed fertilization variant 2.23 times larger than that of the non-fertilized plants. In the variants of organic fertilization, the percentage of standard production is highest – 90,1% or 10,7% more standard tubers than non-fertilized plants.
Ключови думи: field experience; organic and mineral fertilization; potatoes; production structure
Дата на публикуване: 2020-02-12
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