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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Influence of environmental factors on microbiocenosis under two types of forest soils
Bilyana Grigorova-Pesheva
Резюме: In the context of the important role that micro-organisms play in each ecosystem, it is crucial to know the impact of environmental factors on microbial development and the diversity of microbial communities. Only a couple of studies have highlighted the change in the amount and distribution of microbes according to a complex of factors - type of soil, altitude, vegetation. Our study includes the tracking of the effect of environmental factors on in Cambisols and Umbrisols on the territory of the Vitosha Nature Park. Four test areas were investigated, the total microbial number of the heterotrophic microflora, as well as the structure of the microbial communities, were analyzed. The microbial abundance varies, in direct dependence on the soil type, altitude and the type of vegetation. The increase in altitude, the change in soil type and the change in vegetation lead to a decrease in the total microbial number. Environmental factors affect the biogenicity and distribution of microbial groups in different soil types (Cambisols and Umbrisols).
Ключови думи: biogenicity; Cambisols; environmental factors; microorganisms; Umbrisols
Дата на публикуване: 2019-10-31
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