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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Analysis of soil formation factors in the natural park Vitosha
Pavel Pavlov
Резюме: Soil formation factors had been analyzed on the territory of the natural park “Vitosha”. There is
ниво big variety of different soil formation factors – parent rock, altitude, exposure, slope, climatе,and vegetation define rich amount of combination that can be formed soils with different characteristics. Analysis of soil formation factors in Natural Park “Vitosha” shows that the territory is well studied in terms of its geological structure, morphology, relief, soil-forming rocks, biodiversity and weather conditions. The complex influence of these factors leads to forming of new soils, which are not yet fully studied. At soil type level, conflicting opinions about the presence or absence of Chromic Luvisols are available in the known information. It is found that for now, no analytical data has been collected for the classification of Cambisols such as dystric or eutric, which are the most widespread soil type.
Ключови думи: Cambisols; climate; geological structure; natural park; parent rock; soil-forming factors
Дата на публикуване: 2018-12-17
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