[session_started] => 1739722727
Quality of cabbage production depending on applied fertilization
Ivanka Mitova, Nikolai Dinev
Резюме: Field trial has been carried out with cabbage Kiosse -17 variety, on alluvial meadow soil after an onion precursor in rotation of different vegetables. The influence of fertilization methods has been determined by a number of data: soil fertilization with mineral fertilizers; leaf fertilization and combined soil and foliar fertilization on biochemical characteristics of the quality of the product. The double-foliar treatment of cabbage lead to the highest content of dry matter (5.81%), total sugars (6.8%) and ascorbic acid (58.9 mg %), nitrates (122.0 mg non-metabolised nitrogen (27.6 The average nitrate content in test variants - 80.6 in cabbage and 150.2 in cabbage cubs is much lower than permitted. The coefficient of determination between the weight of cabbage and the nitrates in them is R² = 0,710, and between the mass of leaf rosettes and nitrates it was R² = 0,443. Significant to high correlations between sugars and ascorbic acid in cabbage have been found (R² = 0.556); between dry matter and nitrates (R² = 0.515) and between ascorbic acid and nitrates (R² = 0.566).
The correlation between the content of total sugars and nitrates, between dry matter and sugars as well as between dry matter and ascorbic acid in hazelnuts is weak.
Ключови думи: ascorbic acid; correlation; mineral fertilizer; nitrate content; organic fertilizer; total sugar
Дата на публикуване: 2018-12-03
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