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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Content and uptake of macroelements with the production of cabbage
Lyuba Nenova, Ivanka Mitova
Резюме: A field experiment with head cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.) on Alluvial-Meadow soil (Fluvisol) was carried out at three increasing levels of nitrogen fertilization (N8, N16 and N24) and background levels of phosphorus and potassium (P15K10). Nitrogen fertilization was found to increase the N content in plants of the variants N8P15K10 and N16P15K10 with 36%, and of the variant N24P15K10 with 46% compared to the control. The trend for calcium was the opposite, and the phosphorus, potassium and magnesium contents were not significantly affected by fertilization. Macroelements uptake by plant production followed the obtained yields and was the highest in variant N16P15K10 – 57.17 kg.da-1. At the phase of “economic maturity” of cabbage, the predominant participation in the yields
formation had potassium – on average 39.8% for the fertilized variants, followed by the nitrogen – on average 32.5% and the calcium – 19.8%. The participation of phosphorus and magnesium to the total uptake of macronutrients is low – on average 5.5% and 2.4%.
Ключови думи: cabbage; content of macroelements; mineral fertilization; uptake
Дата на публикуване: 2018-10-15
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