[session_started] => 1739030610
Effect and aftereffect of mineral fertilizers on the yield of winter wheat as main crop and millet and mung bean as stubble crops
Sh. I. Irnazarov
Резюме: In low-fertile irrigated lands in the southern region of Uzbekistan, the use of increased norms and
the ratio of mineral fertilizers can double the yield of grain with the year-round use of irrigated land
in the system of two crops per year.
By applying increased norms and ratios of the annual norm of mineral fertilizers to the main crop
of winter wheat, along with an increase in the yield of the main crop, the yield of next crops increased
too, due to the residues of mineral fertilizers in the soil, in comparison with control variants of the
experiment where NPK was not applied to the main crop of winter wheat. At the same time, the
grain yield of main crop of winter wheat and this of the next stubble crops of millet and mung bean
raised up to 1.5-2.0 times by the effect and aftereffect of mineral fertilizers
Ключови думи: irrigation; millet; mineral fertilizers; mung bean; stubble crops; winter wheat
Дата на публикуване: 2018-03-26
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