[session_started] => 1739034624
Assessment of the Potential Risk of Sheet Water Erosion for the Territory of municipalities Bansko and Razlog
Milena Mitova
Резюме: Assessment of the potential risk of sheet water erosion reports the probable average annual soil losses from erosion. The models are useful tools for accumulation of quantitative estimates necessary for the development of justified measures to protect the environment. For the agricultural area for municipality Bansko and for the municipality Razlogis attached the predict model USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) for estimation of erosion factors and potential risk of sheet water erosion and receipt of the probable average annual soil losses from erosion. According to the estimate of the index rainfall erosivity (R-factor) of the territory of the pilot sites the larger part (about 87%) is characterized with medium rainfall erosivity. According to the data of the assessment of the index of soil erodibility for the objects surveyed the largest share of occupy lands with very low and low erodibility (about 67 % for Bansko municipality and 85% for Razlog municipality). The data on the distribution of the slopes show the largest share occupy lands with a slope >1°(27%). Assessments of the potential erosion risk of sheet water erosion show that on the territory of the municipality Bansko (20%) and of the municipality Razlog (30%) prevail lands with very low and low potential risk. On the territory of the surveyed sites though with a small percentage there are lands with high and very high potential risk respectively 2% and 0,04% for the area of the municipality Bansko, around 7% and 2,5% for the municipality Razlog, 0,5% and 0,4% of the land Dobrinishte and 7,6% and 0,4% from agricultural land for the area in the village Bania.
Ключови думи: potentialerosion risk; Rainfall erosivity; soil erodibility; topography; Universal Soil Loss Equation
Дата на публикуване: 2018-03-21
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