[session_started] => 1739034101
Recognition and probability of migrant microbiological activity by indirect signature
Maria Konsulova, Pavlina Naskova, Dragomir Plamenov, Boyka Malcheva
Резюме: The article describes a model for the recognition and prognosis of soil microbiological activity by indirect signs, and four factors are actively influenced on microbial biogenicity. The model was developed and trained on the basis of analyzes made in urban soils in June. The data obtained show a good validity of the model for the month of September for the specific factors and obtained laboratory results. Because of the change in soil moisture and temperature and the accumulation of additional organic substance at the end of the vegetation period, the model did not perform well for November.
Ключови думи: agroecosystem; ecological factors; mathematical recognition; soil microflora
Дата на публикуване: 2017-12-15
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