[session_started] => 1739032187
Phosphorus uptake by oriental tobacco grown as a continuous monoculture
Radka Bozhinova
Резюме: The effects of different phosphorus rates (0, 5,0 and 7,5 kg da-1) on yield, P concentration and phosphorus uptake by oriental tobacco have been studied in a stationary field trial. A long-term fertilizer experiment with continuous tobacco cropping system was established on rendzina soil (Rendzic Leptosol) in 1966. It was found that yield of cured leaves was affected positively by rate of P application. Leaf yield tended to increase by 20,5% as phosphorus fertilization increased from 0 to 7,5 kg P2O5 da-1. The concentration of Р in the leaves ranged from 0,12 to 0,15%. Phosphorus concentration in the leaves was slightly affected by P fertilizing level. Tobacco phosphorus removal was increased with increasing P addition. The average total P uptake was 0,26 da-1 (non-fertilized control), 0,37 kg da-1 (P0), 0,50 kg da-1 (P5) and 0,52 kg da-1 (P7,5).
The balance of the phosphorus was positive in the variants with phosphorus fertilization. In these soil annually accumulates 4,5-7,0 kg P2O5 da-1.
Ключови думи: monoculture; oriental tobacco; phosphorus; uptake
Дата на публикуване: 2017-09-26
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