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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Impact of plant residues on some soil parameters and yield in winter barley and oilseed rape
Miroslav Ivanov, Ivan Dimitrov, Kostadinka Nedyalkova, Hristina Georgieva
Резюме: The rational use of plant residues is an important element of agro-technical practice. The aim of the study is to investigate the influence of plant residues on some physical and agrochemical parameters of Planosols, its microbiological activity and yields of cultivated crops. It has been shown from the conducted studies that the introduction of plant residues into the soil increases its humidity, more pronounced in the spring period – from 1,55% to 2,08%. Determination of the bulk density with 0,04 g/cm3 to 0,08 g/cm3 and the strength to 11,38 kg/cm2 has been found, which outlines the tendency to improve the values of the studied physical parameters of Planosols using plant residues. In spite of the short period of the study, there was some decrease in the content of mobile potassium forms. The results show the activation of the microbiological communities after incorporation of plant residues – an increase in the amount of cellulose micro-organisms and ammonifiers was found, most significant in the high fertilization rate. At the some agro-technical intervention in both crops – barley and rape after the incorporation of the plant residues from the proceedings crop, the yield of grain and seed increases, more pronounced at the high rate of fertilization with nitrogen and phosphorus.
Ключови думи: barley; crop rotation; oilseed rape; plant residues; soil parameters; yield
Дата на публикуване: 2017-08-31
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