[session_started] => 1739033833
Agro-climatic potential of the South Central Planning Region
D. Sapundzhiev, Z. Mitreva
Резюме: The Southern Central Planning Region (districts Kardzhali, Pazardzhik, Plovdiv, Smolyan and Haskovo) has an area of about 22 365 km². In the north - south direction it is located by the Stara planina to the southern border of Bugaria (Rhodope array). A wide range of climatic conditions are characteristic of the South-Bulgarian climatic regions, redistributed from the extremely varied relief (from lowland to high mountain).
In its lower parts, the region is one of the most important for Bulgarian agriculture. In this regard, the purpose of the study is to make an inventory of the agro-climatic potential of the area.
Based on the Map of agro-environmental districts in Bulgaria (ISSAPP) and officially published long-term primary climatic data (NIMH - BAS) the average annual precipitation amounts, the average rainfall for April - June and April - September, the atmospheric moisture balance (evapotranspiration)September, the average annual air temperature and the active temperature sums (for the average daily
air temperature above 10°C) in the agro-ecological areas.
A summarized database for the above-mentioned characteristics was compiled and the agro-climatic
conditions in the agro-ecological areas were described.
Ключови думи: agro-climatic characteristics; agro-ecological areas; climatic characteristics; сlimate
Дата на публикуване: 2017-07-26
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