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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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Processes of Mineralization and Biological Activity in Soils with Monoculture Oriental Tobacco at Region Blagoevgrad
T. Hristeva
Резюме: In order to establish the current biological condition and direction of processes of mineralization in soils with cultivation oriental tobacco traditionally as monoculture nine fields in seven regions of Blagoevgrad district have been investigated. Main agrochemical indicators; population density in microbial communities (included six indicator physiological groups of soil microorganisms); structural microbiological indexes and biological activity of soils (soil respiration) have been determined. Trends toward increase oligotrophic character of microbial communities and reduce overall biogenicity in soils at low humus content; changes in the balance between the processes of mineralization and synthesis of soil organic matter, in the direction of the mineralization were delineated. Statistically significant dependences with a high and average degree of correlation between the humus and total nitrogen contents in the soils and quantities of physiological groups of microorganisms characterizing their general biological state (autochthons, oligotrophs, actinomycetes and microscopic fungi) were established. They can be successfully used at the preparation of predictive models for changes in soil quality.
Ключови думи: correlations; monoculture; oriental tobacco; soil microorganisms
Дата на публикуване: 2017-03-13
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