[session_started] => 1739034511
Vegetative and Reproductive Expression of Tomatoes Depending on Variety and Growing Conditions
V. Vasileva, I. Mitova, N. Dinev, L. Nenova
Резюме: A Greenhouse experiment under controlled conditions with 10 varieties/lines tomatoes was carried out. Two ways of submitting the potassium level (single and double implementations) at background nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization were tested. The after-effect of two starting temperatures – 17 ºC and 27 ºC, where it is grown seedlings until planting in the Greenhouse was studied.
The influence of different factors: the variety/line, effect of temperatures to seedling stage and the manner of potassium fertilization on the vegetative and reproductive forms of tomato plants was discussed.
Regardless of type of fertilization averaged vegetative mass of varieties and lines started development at 17 ºC are higher than from the 27 ºC. No statistically proven link between temperature and mode of fertilization (single and double K-fertilization).
Ключови думи: after-effect of starting temperature; potasium fertilization; seedlings of tomatoes; vegetative and reproductive expression of tomato plants
Дата на публикуване: 2017-03-07
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