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Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology
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The Impdct of the Crop Rotation on the Common Wheat Yield Formation, Cultivated on Pellic Vertisol in Years with
B. Zarkov, V. Koteva
Резюме: The aim of the present article is to determine the impact of different types of crop rotations on the yield formation of common winter wheat, cultivated in years with different climate conditions on Pellic Vertisols in South-East Bulgaria.
Database analyses of 3 long-term stationary trials, conducted on the experimental field of the Institute of agriculture, Karnobat has been made.
Productive potential of common winter wheat, cultivar Miriana, cultivated in 4-crop and 2-crop rotation after maize as predecessor and as long-term monoculture in different climate conditions (very dry, very humid, very cold and favorable) has been established.
Ключови думи: common winter wheat; crop rotation; different climate conditions; yield
Дата на публикуване: 2017-03-07
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